I am not sure what to post but to start it off, I will post this.
Perhaps I feel that the Malays had some right that the term 'Allah' was a sacred god in their heart and was not to be used to replace the word 'god'. It was wrong of the high-court judge to suddenly take away the Malay's holy book suddenly. To prevent what had happened in Malaysia, I will not use force, such as the police to stop the Malays from burning down churches. I will return the Holy books to them and maybe not put a ban, but ask the newspaper publishers to try to refrain from using the word. Not only will the Malays feels more respected for their culture, but also assure the other side to use the word for their own, maybe as their god.
True, that Malays are slightly sensitive, but we have to understand that it is not their fault and to promote racial harmony, we have to respect them and maybe learn their ways. It may be right that 'Allah' is just an Arabic word that refers to god, but in their heart, it is their one and holy, almighty god.
For example, I am a Christian. If someone would to speak bad about Jesus, I would not start fighting against him but tell him nicely to stop it, if not I will seek my parents for advice.
Posting my readers a question, what would YOU do if someone insult your culture? I would like to know.